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The Hebrew Studies Department

At the Academy, 我们知道现代希伯来语是研究历史不可或缺的工具, culture, and tradition of the Jewish people, 代表着一个犹太国家在以色列土地上的重生. After four years at the Academy, 学生有能力分析各种复杂的希伯来文和亚拉姆文的犹太文本. 我们是全国首批试点NETA希伯来语项目的学校之一, an innovative Hebrew language and culture curriculum. 荣誉希伯来语课程在希伯来大学享有盛誉的耶路撒冷考试中达到高潮, which entitles students to college credit.

在正式被学院录取之前,对未来的学生进行评估测试. 最初的安排主要是根据评估测试结果以及学生以前学校的老师和管理人员的推荐.

Ivrit课程由一个预备级别和五个连续级别组成. Generally, students progress at a rate of one level each year. 一些学生从2级开始,并在他们四年的伊夫瑞特学习过程中进入最复杂的水平.

Some students begin at Level 2 and pursue an accelerated program that allows them to advance to the most sophisticated level in the course of their four years of Hebrew language study.

学生在展示与该级别相称的技能后,有机会进入更高级别. 学生必须完成四年的希伯来语学习.

Courses Offered

Preparatory Level: 1 Credit

本课程旨在帮助有希伯来语背景的学生, but do not yet possess the requisite skills to succeed in Level 1. The goal of this course is to give students the basic skills to read, write, comprehend and speak Hebrew. At this level, 学生建立他们的希伯来语词汇,并学习如何构建可理解和有意义的短语和句子.

Level 1: 1 Credit

在本课程中,重点放在用希伯来语交流的能力上. Through activities and exercises, students learn how to compose nominal clauses correctly, fluently and naturally in all three tenses, and to use temporal words and consequence words correctly. In addition, 学生开始阅读非小说类和虚构类文章,并以口头和书面形式总结文章. Also, 学生学习如何重写和翻译古代文本和古典犹太格言成现代希伯来语.

Level 2: 1 Credit

在本课程中,学生将提炼和扩展第一阶段的技能. Students begin to read in Hebrew about scientific research, 这使得他们的学习更贴近他们作为高中生的日常生活. 学生学习理解复杂的句子,并在自己的写作中创造它们. 所涵盖的文本在语言复杂性和智力内容方面更为复杂. 学生们使用字典来学习词根的多种含义,并通过不同的动词模式来唤起细微差别。. 学生学习将动词从四种binyanim中的一种转换为字典输入形式. The verb pattern Piel is explored in depth through reading, writing, speaking, listening and dictionary usage. In addition, 大量的时间花在重新表述表达和谚语上,这样学生们就能真正开始用希伯来语思考.

Level 3: 1 Credit

At this level, 学生们阅读澳门威尼斯人网上赌场真理和谬误的道德问题的对话和独白, 他们必须用希伯来语分析道德困境. 学生必须利用希伯来语的复杂知识来理解经典文本. In addition, students build upon skills learned at earlier levels. 学生练习如何在口语和写作中正确使用不规则动词,如“ayin vav”. Also, 学生将学习宾扬七词的用法和规则动词的分组, 以及如何将规则动词和不规则动词从一种宾语转换成另一种宾语.

Level 4: 1 Credit

In this course, 学生被要求阅读希伯来文的理解文本,平行于他们的一般研究类的文本. 阅读的主题包括有关水和天空的自然现象的科学解释, such as clouds, rainbows, sky color, tides, the surface of the moon and water depth. 此外,学生阅读,写作,并报告诗歌,犹太来源和非小说文本. At this level, 学生掌握了某些Binyanim在所有三种时态中的应用, conjugate prepositions, recognize several noun patterns, find the meanings in the dictionary, and conjugate and apply irregular verb groups, such as Lamed –Hay.

Level 5: 1 Credit

In this course, 学生们阅读的目的是为了理解和讨论,就像他们在任何普通学习课上所做的那样. The readings include topics on immigration, absorption, and Aliya; scientific articles on food-related topics such as nutrition, eating habits around the world, taste and smell; and non-fiction texts from the fields of sociology, psychology and law. In addition, students study and analyze poetry and drama. 继续细化用法,特别强调动词模式Hufaal与规则动词. At this stage of their development, 学生在写作和口语中都能很好地适应带关系从句和追溯代词的复合句. At this level, 学生能够写总结的非小说类文章和语言性质的段落, and lecturing about the topics they read.

Level 6: 1 Credit

In this course, students prepare for the Jerusalem Examination, studying excerpts from the Bible, Mishnah, liturgy, Medieval Literature (philosophy and poetry), 现代希伯来文学(散文和诗歌)和澳门威尼斯人网上赌场犹太人思想和哲学的文章. 他们练习在不使用词典的情况下阅读未见过的文章,以建立阅读和从上下文推断意义的技能. 本课程包含了对所有希伯来语语法结构和句法的全面复习. 学生扩大他们的论文写作在希伯来文写在不同的主题,并继续发展他们的希伯来语词汇.

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